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Weekly yummy music!

2 Mixtapes with artist ‘Etienne de Crécy’

093 “C’est toujours une bonne surprise”

mixed by


  1. – Relax (Tempovision Tour Mix)
  2. – Swim
  3. & – Leftorium (Original Mix)
  4. – Love Capsule Deluxe (Vocal Mix)
  5. – It’s Been Too Long ( ‘Top Gun’ Mix)
  6. – Like You ( Instrumental)
  7. – Catch (feat )
  8. – Disconnected (Dub Mix)
  9. – All Systems (Original Mix)

(total running time : 37:30 min)

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029 “Chicken cheese chika”

mixed by

Il fait beau. C’est lundi. Encore. Et c’est le second Battle mix qui essaie d’encourager ce soleil. Vraiment rien d’autre à ajouter. Enjoy!
Mixé par xamar et kazes

Beautiful weather outside. It’s monday. Again. This is the second Battle mix trying to encourage this Sun. Really nothing else to say. Enjoy!
Mixed by xamar and kazes


  1. – What You Need ( Remix)
  2. – Lil’ Fuck ( & Funkasized Version)
  3. – No favors
  4. – Saturday night ( remix)
  5. – Santa Claus

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